St. John’s Wort

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Studies Support St. John’s Wort Effects

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum), according to numerous studies, is an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression. In fact, St. John’s Wort is comparable to Prozac, Zoloft and Celexa, widely prescribed pharmaceutical antidepressants.

Popularity of St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is commonly prescribed for mild to moderate depression in Germany. It is included in the German Pharmacopoeia, a government publication detailing drug and herbal supplement standards for strength, purity, and formulations.

However, herbal supplements in the United States lack standardization for strength and purity. Furthermore, they are not FDA-approved. Nevertheless, St. John’s Wort remains one of the most popular herbal products in the country, suggesting its potential effectiveness when used wisely.

Treating My Depression with St. John’s Wort

In the early 1990s, I discovered St. John’s Wort as an alternative to pharmaceutical antidepressants. Specifically, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Prescribed an SSRI during a stressful period in my life, the medication improved my mood. But the antidepressant I took left me feeling disconnected from myself. Therefore, I began searching for a more suitable solution to manage my low mood, concentration issues, and sleep problems.

Since learning about St. John’s Wort, I first consider herbal supplements whenever facing extended emotional challenges. St. John’s Wort consistently helps lift my mood, improve concentration, and alleviate sleep issues. At the same time, I experience none of the undesirable side effects I experienced with my prescribed antidepressant. Consequently, St. John’s Wort is a valuable component of my self-care routine during temporary bouts of the blues.

Skin Health & St. John’s Wort

Beyond the herb’s mood-enhancing properties, St. John’s Wort shows promise in addressing skin problems. Research underscores its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral attributes when applied topically as St. John’s Wort oil. This oil may aid in treating acne, minor wounds, sunburn, bruises, and abrasions.

Making Informed Decisions

In my article “Self-Awareness: A Key to Better Health” I discuss that learning to think differently is essential. Each person must discover what is right for them. Making informed decisions about what is suitable for your life circumstances requires self-awareness.

Before considering any herbal supplement, I always consult multiple reliable sources. Thoroughly assessing potential side effects and interactions with medications and other supplements is vital for informed decision-making. Gathering information from diverse sources ensures a well-rounded understanding of a product’s benefits and risks.

For those seeking more information on St. John’s Wort, reputable sources like the Mt. Sinai Health System and the Mayo Clinic offer valuable insights on its benefits, risks, and effectiveness for mood health.

Expert Warnings

  • St. John’s Wort is not suitable for severe depression or when self-harm thoughts are present.
  • St. John’s Wort can have dangerous interactions with prescription medications and pharmaceutical antidepressants.
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